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Success isn’t just about the milestones we achieve, but the resilience we build through challenges and the lessons we embrace along the journey.


Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs!

As another bustling two weeks wrap up, let’s take a moment to reflect on the journey—a blend of client projects, personal business development, and life’s unexpected twists. It’s been a ride, but each step forward brings us closer to our goals.

Have you taken the time to reflect on your own progress this week?
What have you learned, and how will it shape the path ahead?

Well, grab your favourite brew, and let’s dive in!

Client Work: Clearing Hurdles and Delivering Wins

This week marked a significant milestone with the ongoing motion graphics project, achieving picture lock approval and completing sound design. Delivering the final product was a triumph, akin to finishing a challenging race.

On another front, I had a productive meeting with the DVD client, where we hammered out production schedules for graphic design, DVD menu design, and DVD replication. It’s all systems go, and I’m excited to see this project take shape.

On the Australian front, Karenna’s membership/course website is nearing completion. As a migration/rebuild from Kajabi platform to WordPress, it’s been a journey, but seeing it come together is incredibly rewarding. Once we get those final inputs, it’s invoice time—better late than never, right?

“Delivering the final product was a triumph, akin to finishing a challenging race.”

Personal Biz Dev: Building Empires and Future Fortunes

Empire Base continues to be a focal point, with significant progress on the services page content. The FAQs page is complete, providing a comprehensive resource for clients. Next on the agenda are the mobile layout tweaks and blog page setup, with research underway for initial blog posts.

Quite separately, I also had an intriguing discussion with a tech developer about a potential AI audio tool partnership, exploring new avenues for innovation, and to create a possible SaaS service for a partner I like to help.

A highlight of the week was another call with a coaching friend, David Bradley, in Arizona. It was exhilarating to bounce ideas around and see his enthusiasm grow as we discussed strategies for his marketing and list-building plans. There’s something incredibly fulfilling about helping others get their gears turning and taking actionable steps forward.

Pollux Tech remains in a holding pattern, awaiting IRS clearance. Once that’s sorted, we’ll onboard with a US payment processor, streamlining operations for future growth.

“Each hurdle is a chance to learn and grow, and every success is a step closer to our aspirations.”

Personal Life: Navigating the Chaos

Life outside work brought its share of surprises. Our cat, Rogue, had a health scare, but she’s on the mend now. Paula’s hospital visit was another unexpected turn, but thankfully, all is well.

The mortgage application process continues to demand attention, but I’m making headway. With a baby on the way, securing a stable home is a priority.

The gym has taken a backseat amidst the chaos, but I’m eager to get back into the routine next week.

Reflections and Looking Ahead

Reflecting on the week, it’s clear that balancing work and life is an ongoing challenge. Each hurdle is a chance to learn and grow, and every success is a step closer to our aspirations. Next week, I’m focused on advancing Empire Base, finalising client projects, and maintaining equilibrium in personal life.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. Here’s to another week of progress, learning, and perhaps a little chaos.

Until next time, keep pushing forward and stay inspired!

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