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From Baby Bombshells to Business Triumphs: A Week in the Life of this Digital Empire Builder - Scan 2024.08.28 - Dominic Osborne - Entrepreneur

Well, well, well. What a week it’s been, peeps. Grab your cuppa and settle in, because heck, do I have some updates for you.

The Big Reveal: Becoming a Dad (Cue Panic Mode)

First off, the big news: We’re having a baby! That’s right, yours truly is going to be a dad. Now, before you start picturing me strutting around like a proud peacock, let me tell you, the first few days after finding out were… interesting. Picture a deer in headlights, but the deer is wearing glasses and muttering “bloody hell” under its breath. That was me. I don’t mind admitting that I was in a daze for a good four days straight!

But here’s the good news: we had our 12-week scan this week, and everything looks tip-top. Back of the neck measurements? Check. Blood tests? Double-check. It’s amazing what technology can do these days. With the ultrasound scans, we can practically spy on Mother Nature herself. Being a techie, it still kinda blows my mind. (Sorry, Mother Nature, no hard feelings, eh?)

A&E Adventures: The Prequel to Parenthood

Now, I won’t lie to you. The past few weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster. We had a couple of worrying moments that led to late-night A&E visits – one beginning while we both in the gym. Nothing says “fun” like sitting in a hospital waiting room at 5 AM, am I right? But we’ve come through it all, and now we’re finally able to shout our news from the rooftops. Or, you know, post it on social media like normal people.

But enough about my impending dadhood. Let’s talk business, because believe it or not, I’ve been doing more than just panicking about mind-bendingly loud crying to come, and consuming baby and young child funny vids that social platforms have decided to uncover.

DVDs: Not Just a Relic in Your Parents’ Attic

This week, we landed a new client for DVD authoring and replication. Yes, you read that right. DVDs. They’re still a thing, apparently. Who knew? Well, me – but I thought I was alone these days. I do believe that DVD authoring is a lost art and one that began with Blu-rays, believe it or not – let alone the streaming services. So, I’m pleased to have this new client, with whom we’ve got a project timeline all sorted. Bring on the nostalgia!

G’day, Growth! Aussie Client Joins the Empire

But wait, back to the online World! We’ve also just onboarded a new Australian client for web hosting services. G’day to you, mate! (That’s the extent of my Australian, I’m afraid.) They’re a marketing agency, and we’ve just started Managed WordPress hosting for one of their clients through Empire Base – bringing a huge boost in website speed. And here’s the cherry on top: the agency are interested in our new SEO packages too. It’s like Christmas came early, minus the terrible jumpers and indigestion.

Empire Base: Building Digital Castles in the Cloud

Speaking of Empire Base, we’ve made some cracking progress this week. The homepage is shaping up nicely, if I do say so myself. We’ve refined everything from the hero section to the promises, and let me tell you, it’s looking proper boss. (That’s Scouse for “really good”, for those of you not fluent in Britishisms.). The pace at which I managed to prepare multiple other pages on the development site has really fueled my excitement to push this to completion. It’s only 2 years late after all…!

The Secret Sauce: Collaboration (No, It’s Not Just a Fancy Word for ‘Help’)

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Dom, how do you do it all?” Well, the secret is… I don’t. Not alone, anyway. This week has been a stark reminder of how bloody brilliant collaboration can be. Working with others who push you to be better? It’s like having a personal trainer for your brain, minus the protein shakes and leg day. I have to say, I really love the AI business coach and assistant that I trained up.

Of course, it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. We’re still navigating the choppy waters of house hunting and finances. But hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a digital empire.
Or a nursery, for that matter.

Life, Love, and Curveballs: Reflections from a Wedding

Now, let’s get a bit mushy for a moment. (Don’t worry, I’ll keep it brief. We’re British, after all.) This week, we attended a wedding. Watching the happy couple, it got me thinking about family values and the kind of dad I want to be. The groom has grown into such a fine man, and it reiterated and strengthened my thoughts on what I want for my kid. No pressure, future child of mine. No pressure at all.

Leveling Up: From Digital Mogul to Diaper Changer

It’s funny how life throws curveballs at you. One minute you’re thinking and planning web hosting and SEO, the next you’re discussing how to handle various baby situations with your wife. But you know what? It’s oddly empowering. It’s like leveling up in the game of life. Jordan Peterson (yes, I watch YouTube videos, don’t judge) talks about how people grow based on the level of responsibility they take on. Well, if that’s true, I’m about to hit a growth spurt that would make a teenager jealous. And, it was a rather apt message to take in.

The Week’s Wisdom: Family, Empires, and Everything in Between

So, what have I learned this week? Family is (almost) everything. Collaboration is key. DVDs are still a thing.
And apparently, I can juggle building a digital empire with preparing for fatherhood. Who knew?

I’m grateful to everyone who has sent us well-wish messages; and to family and siblings in this country and abroad who have offered words of wisdom and support.

As I wrap up this week and look to the next, I’m filled with a mix of excitement and terror. But mostly excitement. Okay, maybe 60-40. 85-15 on a good day.

To all of you out there building your own empires, digital or otherwise, keep at it. And if life throws you a curveball, remember: it might just be the pitch you’ve been waiting for.

Until next time, this is Dom, signing off. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I probably have some baby books to read (or at least 117 Instagram ‘funny’ shorts about hormones and pregnancy my wife shared) and a digital empire to build.
Multitasking at its finest, folks!

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