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Two Weeks on the Rollercoaster: Pivots, Progress, and Perseverance - Pivots Progress and Perseverance - Dominic Osborne - Entrepreneur

The past two weeks have been nothing short of a whirlwind, packed with intense work hours, significant progress, and unexpected personal developments. As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that adaptability is key, and these recent weeks have put that skill to the test. Let me take you through this rollercoaster ride of professional triumphs and personal challenges.

Empire Base: A Dream Taking Shape

My primary focus has been on Empire Base, and I’m thrilled with the progress. The week commencing September 23rd saw major developments on the website. Blog templates are up and running, ready for content, and I’ve been fine-tuning other pages. I can’t help but fiddle a bit more, but it’s reaching that ‘good enough’ stage. The excitement is palpable as we’re so close to going live.

Behind the scenes, we’re setting up various systems and tools, preparing for the domain switch from It’s a complex process, but the anticipation of launching is driving me forward.

Client Projects: Steady Progress Amidst Challenges

While Empire Base has been my primary focus, client work hasn’t taken a backseat:

  1. Voov Surgical Website: We’ve made updates to this medical equipment e-commerce site, including additions to product listings for pricing and stock levels. Progress is somewhat hampered by waiting on client content, but we’re moving forward where we can.
  2. Karenna’s Website (Australia): We’ve successfully migrated her members’ area from Kajabi to a new WordPress-based system. It was a time-consuming process, but the result is a comprehensive website with tools for membership, course delivery, and email marketing automation. It’s incredibly satisfying to see this project completed and the client happy.
  3. Motion Graphics for major client: This project has been a long journey, mainly due to slow client feedback. We’ve completed the main animation and have now finished the social media edits. This includes not just 16:9 cuts, but also square and 9:16 portrait orientations – a challenge that required significant reworking but has yielded great results. We’re now just awaiting final approval on these social edits, and then we can officially close this chapter.

Personal Challenges: The Mortgage Saga

Amidst the professional progress, we’ve faced some personal setbacks, particularly with our mortgage application. After nearly 12 weeks of effort and emotional whiplash, we ultimately had to pivot our plans.

Initially, we hit a roadblock when our first broker informed us that lenders were wary of my foreign income. We quickly found a specialist broker who was more adept at handling self-employed cases. This new broker made more progress in two days than our previous one did in over eight weeks!

However, despite this promising turn, some financial details still didn’t sit well with the lenders, and we were ultimately declined. It was disappointing, especially after such a long process, but it’s important to remember that setbacks are part of the journey.

The stress of this situation has been particularly challenging for my pregnant wife. There have been some tears and moments of frustration, which is completely understandable given the circumstances. However, she’s been incredibly resilient, knowing that while this is a setback, we’re far from doomed. She’s making a conscious effort to stay calm for the little one she’s carrying, which I find both admirable and inspiring.

Pivoting to Plan B: A New Home on the Horizon

Instead of letting this setback derail us, we’ve quickly pivoted to a new plan. We’re now in the process of renting a larger, newer home in a different Somerset village. This new place ticks many boxes: more space, no mold issues (unlike our current 200+ year old house), and a safe environment for our upcoming addition to the family.

While it wasn’t our original plan, this new direction feels exciting. It provides us with the immediate solution we need, offering ample space for both work and family life as we prepare for the arrival of our baby.

Networking and Future Prospects

Despite the busy schedule, I’ve made time for valuable networking:

  1. I had a productive call with my coaching friend in Nevada, USA. We offered mutual support and discussed his email funnel, providing feedback that could help solve some of his traffic generation issues.
  2. I connected with a new coach in the UK, finding a kindred spirit with a positive, growth-oriented mindset. It’s refreshing to find like-minded professionals here in the UK.
  3. A promising call with a Birmingham-based advertising agency has opened up potential animation projects for the last quarter of 2024.

Looking Ahead: A Busy But Exciting Q4

As we move into the fourth quarter of 2024, the to-do list is substantial but exhilarating:

  • Products to complete
  • Systems to migrate
  • Businesses to launch (or relaunch)
  • A new house to move into (fingers crossed!)

It’s going to be a jam-packed quarter, but I’m embracing the challenge with enthusiasm and determination.

Reflections on Resilience

These past weeks have been a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of both business and life. The mortgage setback could have been demoralizing, but instead, it became a catalyst for a new direction. Similarly, in business, each client project comes with its own set of challenges, whether it’s waiting for content, adapting to new requirements, or managing timelines.

The key takeaway? Resilience and adaptability are not just buzzwords – they’re essential traits for any entrepreneur. When one door closes, it’s crucial to start looking for windows of opportunity.

As I push forward with Empire Base, juggle client projects, and prepare for significant personal changes, I’m reminded of why I chose this path. The ability to pivot quickly, to see opportunities in setbacks, and to keep driving forward despite obstacles – these are the elements that make the entrepreneurial journey so rewarding.

Yes, it’s a rollercoaster. Yes, it’s challenging. But as I stand here, pushing, striving, and driving forward, I can honestly say – I’m loving … almost every minute of it.

Here’s to the ups and downs, the pivots and progress, and the exciting road ahead. Onward and upward!

As I navigate these twists and turns, I’m curious:
When life throws you a curveball, what’s your go-to strategy for pivoting and moving forward? How do you balance professional ambitions with personal challenges?

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