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Weekly Progress Update: Catching Up, Wins, Challenges and Gym - WinsCatchups - Dominic Osborne - Entrepreneur

Hey fellow hustlers and digital dreamers!

After a week out for family support role back in the West Midlands, I got back to play catch up this week, plus had some curveball tasks to handle. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to juggle multiple projects, tackle tech issues, and still manage to hit the gym, you’re in for a treat. Spoiler alert: it involves a lot of coffee and a dash of British hardiness.

This Week’s Wins:

Let’s kick things off with a look at the goals I set out to achieve this week. From client projects to personal milestones, it’s been a rollercoaster ride of productivity and a few unexpected detours.

1. Voov Surgical Website Updates:

Early in the week, I tackled the Voov website updates – a site currently in development. There were on page tasks I needed to tackle, including creating an in-depth Customer Complaint form, and other tasks I managed to delegate tasks to my web assistant. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of passing the baton and watching someone else run with it—while you keep a close eye, of course.

2. Pollux Technologies LLC:

Navigating the labyrinth of US LLCs, I lined up two key experts to help with the transition to a multi-member setup. After lively discussions (read: lots of messages), I booked a call with a tax advisor for Sunday. Because who doesn’t love a good chat about taxes on a weekend?

3. Japanese Yoga Membersite:

The tasks continued with this membersite and its courses – a migration away from Kajabi and Mailchimp. After wrestling with a series of amends that seemed to regenerate like a hydra’s heads, I emerged victorious. The updates are done, and not a moment too soon. It’s almost ready to go live for this client in Sydney, Australia.

4. SGIS Motion Graphics Project:

This week also included dealing with some late amends requests to a client’s motion graphics project. After spending countless hours tweaking animations and perfecting the timing, I finally delivered the next version for approval. I’m confident based on the responses from the advertising agency that we’re there now, and sound design can commence soon.

5. Tech Troubles:

Tech issues are like gremlins in the machine—feed them after midnight, and they multiply. This week, I was required to tackle some technology developments for to automate invoicing more efficiently. Nothing like a bit of digital beast-taming to keep things interesting. It did suck far more hours than hoped, especially when it came from out-of-the-blue requests from the partners involved.

6. Gym Adventures:

In an attempt to balance mind and body, I hit the gym. I love my gym sessions, even if they leave me feeling a bit achey. This week’s Pull day was intense, and today’s leg session ended with me feeling unwell (a couple of mid workout “max effort” (maximum reps) of 230kg on leg press – even if not the 400kg I used to do in my mid 20’s – will do that to you) — thankfully, a Lucozade fixed that right up.

7. House Purchase Progress:

On a personal note, there’s good news on the home front—literally. Our house purchase is moving forward, with papers approved and pets allowed. Who knew that convincing someone to let you keep a couple of furry critters could feel like a diplomatic negotiation?

Reflecting on the Chaos:

Looking back, this week was less about ticking boxes and more about drawing whole new boxes to tick. It’s a reminder that in the world of entrepreneurship, flexibility isn’t just an asset; it’s a necessity. You pivot, you adjust, and sometimes, you just hang on for dear life.

Musings and Mental Notes:

– The Power of Delegation:

This week reinforced a vital lesson: delegate, delegate, delegate. It’s about trusting your team and resisting the urge to micromanage from the sidelines. After all, there’s only one of me, and human cloning technology is still disappointingly unreliable.

– Gratitude:

I’m grateful for feeling good in my physical body; and for the people I have around me and work with. “All we are is a network of conversations,” and I’m thankful for the connections that make this journey worthwhile.

Looking Ahead:

As we barrel towards another week, my calendar is already brimming with tasks, building assets for myself, calls, and a smattering of hopeful gym visits.
The goals are set, the stakes are high, and the coffee pot will be full. Here’s to another week of entrepreneurial adventures!

Whether you’re here for the insights or just the sarcasm, I hope you find a bit of both.
Until next week, keep hustling, stay nimble, and maybe—just maybe—try to enjoy the ride!

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