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Weekly Progress Update: Juggling Clients, LLCs, and Animation (Oh My!) - Weekly Progress Update Juggling Clients LLCs and Animation Oh My - Dominic Osborne - Entrepreneur

First off, I must apologise for the radio silence on the blog lately. Life throughout 2024 has been a bit of a whirlwind, but I’m committing to posting more regularly—if nothing more than to mainly to get all this stuff out of my head!

So, just like me every day this week, grab a cuppa, and let’s dive into the highlights of this week!

Client Work & Animation Projects

This week, I tackled a few client projects that kept my creative juices flowing. One of the standout tasks was completing an animation and motion graphics project. The challenge was getting the requested alterations completed in time, but the rendering times weren’t too bad. After delivering the edits for review, I’m excited to move on to sound design next, which will really bring the piece to life!

A different client in Australia is also now reviewing their website’s Members area for their online courses that I’ve been building out for them, and once that’s all ready, we’ll import her 3,000+ contacts into the system, and set things up so she is ready to sell her Japanese Yoga courses again.

AnxyAid & Partnerships

On the passive income front, I’m excited to share some progress with AnxyAid and The growing sales of AnxyAid are sparking interest from a major supermarket to stock the product, which is fantastic news!

Meanwhile, the partnership with is capturing more leads than ever. These projects are paving the way for building sustainable income streams, and I’m eager to see where they lead!

The US LLC Conundrum

On the business front, I’m navigating the murky waters of changing the structure of my US LLC. Adding a US citizen as a co-owner is a new adventure for me—think of it as a crash course in American business law, but with fewer donuts and more paperwork. I’ve reached out to a couple of potential advisors to help clarify the tax implications and ensure I’m not stepping into any legal minefields. Fingers crossed for some solid guidance!

Empire Base & Upcoming SEO Services

Amidst all this, I’m also thrilled about the progress with Empire Base. I’ve started sharing upcoming SEO services with a couple of select clients, and it’s exciting to see how it fits into the bigger grand vision I have. These services are a crucial part of refining my offerings and helping clients grow their online presence.

House Hunting Hustle

And then there’s the house situation. Yes, the quest for a new home is still on, and let me tell you, it’s a rollercoaster ride. Between the endless paperwork and the excitement of potentially becoming a homeowner, I’m juggling more than a clown at a kids’ party. But I’m determined to keep pushing forward, even if it means sacrificing a few hours of sleep along the way.

Reflection & Moving Forward

Let’s not forget the miracle hot liquid that keeps me going—thank god for coffee! I wouldn’t have gotten through this week without it. I’ve discovered a special brand that produces coffee high in anti-oxidants, over at Exhale.

Despite the chaos, I’m reminded of the importance of celebrating small victories. Whether it’s completing a client’s project, making progress on the LLC changes, or simply getting through a long day, every step counts. Let’s hear a “whoop whoop!”.

As I look ahead, I’m committed to staying focused on my goals. Whether it’s refining my services with Empire Base or growing my passive income streams through partnerships, I know that persistence is key.

So, to anyone out there feeling overwhelmed or exhausted—just remember: never give up. Keep pushing forward, even when the going gets tough.

Until next time, keep hustling, and don’t forget to have a laugh along the way!

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