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Navigating the Entrepreneurial Ocean: A Week of Wins and Wonders - Navigating the Entrepreneurial Ocean A Week of Wins and Wonders - Dominic Osborne - Entrepreneur

Ah, another week in the life of an entrepreneur. Picture this: a whirlwind of tasks, client calls, and the occasional existential crisis. But hey, who doesn’t love a bit of chaos to keep things interesting? Grab a cuppa (I do recommend Exhale coffee!) and let’s dive into the highlights of this week’s adventures.

Empire Base: Building the Foundation

Let’s start with Empire Base. This week, big progress was made by tackling the Managed WordPress and Email Services pages. Designing the service offerings, their price-points, and then crafting content that’s both compelling and concise is no small feat, but I managed to infuse a bit of flair and finesse. The service names? Pure genius, if I do say so myself. From “Carrier Pigeon” to “Flock of Phoenixes,” each plan is designed to resonate with your inner business mogul.

As it happens, there was also some good relationship building with a marketing company in Sydney, Australia, for whom it seems that we’ll support via Managed WordPress hosting in the near future, for one of their clients right away – hopefully many more in the future! Excitingly, they may also wish to utilize the new-fangled SEO packages I’ve been getting set up, to lighten their own load. That’s a double-win in my book!

Client Calls: The Good and The Brilliant

Ah, the sweet sound of a successful client call. The chat with Voov Surgical was a hit. We’re on track for a mid-September launch, and the client is buzzing with excitement. Wyatt International, the venerable advertising agency, might just begin an alliance for specific website tasks. Fingers crossed, I’ll be their go-to web solver, just as has been the case for 3D animation for over a decade.

And then there’s Peter Gourri. An executive coach with a British sense of humor, based over in North Carolina. Our conversation was a delightful mix of business insights and laughter. He’s keen to share my web prowess with his network, which is always a win in my book – and something I’m super grateful for.

AnxyAid: Natural Solutions on Subscription, and The Technical Triumphs

Shifting gears to AnxyAid, we’re setting up a monthly subscription for this natural anxiety and sleep aid product. It’s all about bringing calm to the chaos, one subscriber at a time. And saw some nifty plugin updates. The custom invoicing system is now sleeker, with new features that’ll make any tech enthusiast swoon.

Pollux Tech LLC: My First US Venture

In my first US venture, Pollux Tech is leveling up to a multi-member LLC. It’s all about growth and expansion, and I’m gathering the necessary documents to make it happen. Doing this allows us to take further steps into the process of handling US customers and transactions, so is a vital process to complete.

Karenna’s Project: A Zen-like Endeavor

Karenna’s Japanese Yoga course website received some TLC, along with a training video to boot. All that’s left is connecting buy buttons to the new systems, migrating previous buyers to the updated course delivery, and linking contact forms across the main and member sites. It’s all about helping others find their zen, one webpage at a time.

House Hustle: Navigating Solicitors and Mortgages

On the home front, the house purchase is moving along swimmingly, so far, it seems. Solicitor tasks, mortgage coordination—check and check. It’s a bit like herding cats, but I’m getting there.

Final Thoughts: A Dash of Determination

As I wrap up this week, I’m reminded of the beauty of entrepreneurship: the highs, the caffeine-fueled in-betweens, and the delightful surprises. And while I might be slightly sleep-deprived, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So, here’s to another week of chasing dreams, hitting goals, and occasionally wondering why I didn’t just become a professional napper. Until next time, keep hustling and stay cheeky.

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